Meet the band & our friends

Here's some of the worst pictures I have...

Headwound has been fortunate enough to know and associate with some really good people. We'd like to thank everyone for helping us become the mega-stars that we are and share our meager scrapbook with visitors to our site. If you're picture isn't here, it doesn't mean that you're not our friend - we're getting to it...any day now...(yeah right) - so stop back and see what's been added.
Sorry...we ran out of crappy pics for now...but we're out there snapping away (honestly!).

Nek (Kenny) - our original bass player.
Mr. Dan Brewer - on bass with Headwound

Ed Unknown - played guitar with Headwound

Max & Marco - friends & roadies
Armen (Pit) - Headache Records

Doug - Squigtone Records
Billy T. - Wretched Ones

Ted Shiko (somewhere) - played bass with Headwound
Johnny Hate - Drums

Choppie Sinclair - vocals
Harry Baggs - Guitar

Quincy McGirk - Bass

Andy - friend & inspiration

George Hulms - played bass and guitar with Headwound

At the Brighton

We made it ourselves
Our upcoming Label...

This page was updated by Harry Baggs on 06/03/01