Well, it was another one of those great Sunday afternoons that was well worth the cruise on up 23 North to the wonderfull hamlet of Hamburg, NJ. to catch yet another of Ted's Punk Rock shows at The Fone Booth. Still shadowed by the events of September 11th, the afternoon rocked the house with good music, good friends, and cold beer...of course.
The show featured FLATUS, ANGER, and bunch of local bands...as well as DODGEBALL from southern NJ (just in from tour), and it was probably one of the most successfull (attendance-wise) shows I've seen in a while at the Phone Booth. Good to see this, because it's one of my favorite places to catch a show. Gotta love TED for keeping it (and the scene) active.
Here's a few pictures from the show.
Pictured on the right: guitarist Alex House from DODGEBALL...deep in thought.
 On guitar & vocals: Brian Luff - and on bass: Pete Jager. |
 Happy - Happy! Sorry, I didn't get a shot (good shot) of drummer Terry Cook...but he's there. |
 Mr "Magic Fingers" himself: Gene on the the sonic fretboard! |
 The "All Seeing...All Knowing"...master of cerimonies...Ted himself, on bass, and watching over his flock. |
 Half-a-picture of ANGER....sorry I ran out of film. They rocked! |
Sound by.......
 Mick (Tombstone Brawlers, Flatus) provided the usual great sound and sonic boom. |
In memory of Wayne Russo and Johnny Heff
...and everyone who's life has been affected by the cowardly events of September 11th. Punk Rock and shows like this prove that our freedoms are more than just a set of rules we live by, and are attributed to those who work to keep us aware of - and on top of - them. |