Had to be one of the great nights in New Jersey Punk history: the reunion show of Adrenalin O.D. and Pleased Youth together with the whole gang from Buy Our Records and just about every personality in the 1980's NJ Punk/HC scene.
Aside from a great night of music, it was great to see everyone again and avoid having to say.."my...how you've grown", although the quips were there (mostly from stage). Regardless, the humor and edge is still potent, and the friendships are worth the trip alone. I look forward to the next "reunion" and the furthering adventures of all the bands.
Here's a few photos from the show:
Pictured on the right - Lenny Sblendorio from Buy Our Records and Bedlam (who were supposed to play, but had to cancel for an injury).
Adrenalin O.D.
 Paul Richards and Bruce Wingate (A.O.D.) proving that age improves the vocals. Jim Foster (original member)looks on, and joined them onstage later. |
SUX (the band)
 Jack Steeples and Paul Richards from A.O.D. along with Tom Koprowski from BEDLAM and friends. If you never saw A.O.D. - they're the next best thing - and they're current! |
More SUX
 Tom Koprowski (formerly of BEDLAM) - happy as Hell and still kickin' ass! |
Adrenalin O.D.
 Jack Steeples with A.O.D., happy onlookers, and....there's that "Tom" fella again! |
Pleased Youth
 Kieth Hartel, Paul Decolator, and Andy Skovran of PLEASED YOUTH - "Kicking Out The Jams"! |
Adrenalin O.D.
 A.O.D.'s Dave Scott pounding out the path for the (still) fastest Punk band on earth (in NJ anyway...). |
New Jersey's Got It!
This page is dedicated to the memory of Wayne Russo, who joined us in spirit. |