The previous SAXON site is about to disappear because I refuse to pay if guests have to look at advertisements, so I'm out building elsewhere...and with my crappy PC...this is no easy task. I should be announcing the link by November, so keep posted.
Come September Saxon Sound is back in action, so if you or your band is looking to record that killer demo, get in touch with me and I'll let you know what's new.
I've also been busy updating and adding to the HARRY BAGGS OnLine site, and the EARWAX RETRO FANZINE site. The MY BACK PAGES site will be moving out of Homestead by November 1st. You can still connect from this site, bookmark it, and check in there from time-to-time as well.
IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW, it's true.....CHOPPIE SINCLAIR IS GETTING MARRIED!Date: October, 20,2001.......Best wishes from us all.
The GUEST BOOK has moved to this page. I've been having problems with it, so bear with me. If you've signed the guestbook before, I'm sorry I had to delete your entries, but I have your contact information - so I'll update you.
To view the guestbook entries Click Here